The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/product/getall This method will return the list of Products as json list object
api/product/getallproducts This method will return the list of Products as json list object
api/product/getallproductskus?top={top}&skip={skip}&SCproductID={SCproductID}&ProductCode={ProductCode} This method will return the list of skus avaiable in Store as Json list object
api/product/get/{productcode} This method will return single Product details as json object for Productcode
api/product/products This method will Post the single Product Informations and add or update the informations in our database
api/product/updateskuprice This method will Update the SKU Price Informations in our database
api/product/updateskuinventory This method will Update the SKU Inventory in our database
api/product/getallsuppliers This method will return the list of all Suppliers as json list object
api/product/getproducts No Documentation Available
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/shopper/getall This method will return the list of Shoppers as json list object
api/shopper/get/{username} This method will return single Shopper details as json object for username
api/shopper/shoppers This method will Post the Shoppers Informations and add or update the informations in our database
api/shopper/shopperaddress This method will Post the Shoppers Addresses and add or update the informations in our database
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/return/getall This method will return the list of Return Requests as json list object
api/return/get/{returnnumber} This method will return single Return Request details as json object for a single OrderNumber
api/return/return This method will Create a new Return Request for the Order
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/embellishments/getall This method will return the all Embellishments as json list object
api/embellishments/getproductembellishment?productCode={productCode} This method will return the all Embellishments tagged to products as json list object
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/category/getall This method will return the all Categories as json list object
api/category/get/{categorycode} This method will return the a single Category as json object
api/category/categoryproducts/{categorycode} This method will return the all Product tagged to a single category as json list object
api/category/categories This method will Post the Categories and add or update the informations in our database
api/category/category This method will delete the Category from our database
api/category/productcategory This method will Post multiple Product Category and update the informations in our database
api/category/getallbrands This method will return the all Brands as json list object
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/order/getall This method will return the list of Order as json list object
api/order/getorders This method will return the list of Order as json list object
api/order/get/{ordernumber} This method will return single order details as json object for a single OrderNumber
api/order/shippinginformation This method will Post the Shipping Informations of all items of a order
api/order/paymentinformation This method will update the payment status from authorized to capture with provided transaction number, Authorization code is required
api/order/updateorderstatus This method will update the order status from placed to processing for the given OrderNumber and Order Post Status is Required
api/order/OrderSamplePost No Documentation Available
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
API Name Description
api/PortalReport/GertOrderSummaryReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersCustomPageUsageReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersMarketingFeaturesUsageReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersPreferredGroupUsageReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersStoresWithZeroOrdersReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersStoresWithZeroOrdersReportDate?startDateValue={startDateValue}&endDateValue={endDateValue} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersSubscriptionReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetSuppliersSubscriptionReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAppUsageStatisticsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAccountStatisticsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetInstalledAppsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersOrderSummaryReportUpdated?startDateValue={startDateValue}&endDateValue={endDateValue} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersTotalOrderSummaryReportUpdated No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersPreferredGroupUsageReportUpdated?startDateValue={startDateValue}&endDateValue={endDateValue} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetSuppliersSubscriptionReportUpdated?startDateValue={startDateValue}&endDateValue={endDateValue} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAppUsageStatisticsReportUpdated?startDateValue={startDateValue}&endDateValue={endDateValue} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetUserApiKeys?providerId={providerId}&providerTypeId={providerTypeId} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAccounts No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAccountById?providerId={providerId}&providerTypeId={providerTypeId} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetStoreDetails?siteStatus={siteStatus}&TypeID={TypeID}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersSubscriptionReportPortal?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailersSubscriptionReportPortalPlan?PlanId={PlanId} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetCatalogDetailForDashboard?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/UpdateApiStatus?Status={Status}&providerID={providerID} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailerCatalogs?providerId={providerId} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetSupplierCatalog?providerId={providerId} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAppInsatlledStores?AppID={AppID}&ProviderTypeID={ProviderTypeID} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetInstalledAppsByProviderID?ProviderID={ProviderID}&ProviderTypeID={ProviderTypeID} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetPrefferedGroupOrderReport?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetTotalPrefferedGroupOrderReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetRetailerStatisticsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAllFreshdeskTicketsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetSc1SalesOrderReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetAccountsReport No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetBillableTicketsReport?BillingType={BillingType}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetB2BAccountStatsBillingReport?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
api/PortalReport/GetB2CAccountStatsBillingReport?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} No Documentation Available
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
24 OrderNotExist Order Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
25 SkuNotExist Order item with provided SKU Code Does Not Exist in current order 404 NotFound
26 InvalidQty Shipment quantity is more than quantity to be shipped. 406 NotAcceptable
27 PaymenExist Payment data already exist for requested order 406 NotAcceptable
28 AlreadyCaptured Requested Order alredy captured 406 NotAcceptable
29 ProcessFailed Process gets failed due to some internal errors 406 NotAcceptable
30 InvalidData Invalid data provided 406 NotAcceptable
31 CategoryNotExist Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
32 ParentCategoryNotExists Parent Category doesn't exists 406 NotAcceptable
33 Exists Already exists for current request 406 NotAcceptable
34 InvalidSku Invalid SKU Data Provided 406 NotAcceptable
35 BrandNotExists Brand and First level category does nor match, Brand Does not exist in our database, Please provide the correct brand name or include it in category if new 406 NotAcceptable
36 InsertCategoryFailed Category insertion for this product has been Failed, Please try again with valid data 406 NotAcceptable
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentMethodId PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
DiscountTypeId Flat 3
Percentage 4
DiscountOnOtherProduct 5
BuyXGetY 6
None 217
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentStatusId AuthorizeAndCapture 74
AuthorizeOnly 75
PriorAuthCapture 86
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
PaymentGatewayId Authorized Net 25
Moneris 26
PayPal [Credit Card] 27
XCharge 28
Sage 29
USAePay 73
Fast Charge 96
PayPal [Express Checkout] 206
Stripe 220
Square 221
Cyber Source(Secure Acceptance) 229
Api Column Name Name Value
Gender Male 1
Female 2
Api Column Name Name Value
IsBrand Yes 0
No 1
Api Column Name Name Value
OptionTypeId Multiple 46
Swatch 47
Api Column Name Name Value
ActionId Remove Category and Mapping 1
Remove Category Mapping from Parent 2
Api Column Name Name Value
PricingType Amount 1
Percentage 2
FreeShipping 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Display Type ID Text Box 1
Drop Down 2
Picture 3
Api Column Name Name Value
Discount Type ID Price Discount 1
Percentage Discount 2
Api Column Name Name Value
OrderStatusId Live Cart 1
Abandoned Cart 2
Placed 3
Waiting for dropshipment 4
Cancelled 5
Awaiting Fulfillment 6
Awaiting Shipment 7
Partially Shipped 8
Shipped 9
Completed 10
Processing Order35
Partial Paid38
Api Column Name Name Value CarrierID
ServiceTypeId Ground 1 1
Next Day Air Early AM 2 1
Next Day Air 3 1
Next Day Air Saver 4 1
2nd Day Air Early AM 5 1
2nd Day Air 6 1
3 Day Select 7 1
Canada Standard 8 1
Worldwide Express 9 1
Worldwide Express Plus 10 1
Worldwide Expedited 11 1
ExpressMail 13 2
PriorityMail 14 2
Parcel Post (Machinable) 15 2
Library 16 2
Media 17 2
Priority Overnight 18 8
Standard Overnight 19 8
First Overnight 20 8
FedEx 2 Day 21 8
FedEx Express Saver 22 8
International Priority 23 8
International Economy 24 8
International First 25 8
FedEx 1 Day Freight 26 8
FedEx 2 Day Freight 27 8
FedEx 3 Day Freight 28 8
FedEx Ground 29 8
Ground Home Delivery 30 8
International Priority Freight 31 8
International Economy Freight 32 8
Tier One 34 10
Tier Two 35 10
Tier Three 36 10
Api Column Name Name Value
CarrierId UPS 1
Flat Rate Per Item 3
Ship By Weight 4
Ship By Order Total 5
Flat Rate Per Order 6
In Store Pick Up 7
Ship by Order Total[Tiered] 10
Api Column Name Name Value
Payment Method ID PayPal [Express Checkout] 30
Credit Card 31
Manual Payment 32
Purchase Order 33
Store Credit 90
Gift Card 91
Cyber Source (Secure Acceptance) 224
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Status ID Return Initiated 97
Return Accepted 98
Return Rejected 99
Return Refunded 100
Return Partially Accepted 104
Api Column Name Name Value
Return Type ID Replaced 102
Refunded 103
The Sellers Commerce Open API provides a simple RESTful interface with lightweight JSON-formatted responses to use many of Sellers Commerce features, included data related to Shopper,Order, Tools, Product,Category and many more. And its using OAuth to allow both read and write access for public and private data. This document provides information to developers on how to integrate with the Sellers Commerce Open API.
Sellers Commerce Open API's are accessible by as base url which looks like
All requests must be made with https. Both request body data and response data are formatted as JSON. Every request, including JSON, must have a Content-Type Http Request Header with a value of application/json.

For example:
Header :
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
The Sellers Commerce Open API uses a standard Authorization header to identifies every request.
it is also used to track overall call usage. To get access to sellers commerce open api user need to get acess token from our token endpoint
Token endpoint need three required data as below :
grant_type : password (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
username : Users Access Key
password : Users Shared Secret Key

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "ux6UKvImExGMm7rzLZDwpZAZPBapSPqNshe9Xx7xpz3HQy5LA5_IL8nu_yEZ_aN-AxjAud6IfvqLEwmFQpC4S8A5k",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4"
please do remember that bearer access token is valid for 1 hr,
However bearer access token can always be regenerated by hitting our refresh token endpoint till 4 hrs with the same Token endpoint
this time it needs only two required data as below :
grant_type : refresh_token (no need to change anything, pass as usual)
refresh_token : 83895c3b-d59f-420e-b67a-8ca6ce3a17b4 ( it is your previous generated refresh token)

With the above informations, user will get below response

"access_token": "KlzDRDd4036-GeczoDjgH1290Q--u5PrYdzxdRjMJUFo-0batdjypjXMO4rkRG2Vxw7fVNU9AyjFsLE421YnnywmtWnHwG8",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"refresh_token": "1e1e2f48-824f-44fc-ac09-18f790acfb74"

Everytime it will provide you new refresh token which is valid for next 4 hrs. so, you need to get access token by ur privet secret credentials only once and then our endpoint will always provide you new refresh token and access token without asking your secret credential, it also kept our api very secure

Once user have his access token, it needs to be passed with every request as a valid bearer token in the Authorization header:

Header :
Authorization: bearer accesstoken
An endpoint's name indicates the type of data it handles and the action it performs on that data. We are using below actions only:

Action HTTP Method Description
Create POST Creates an entity of the corresponding type.
Retrieve GET Returns all instances of a particular entity that match query parameters you provide.
Delete DELETE Deletes the existing entity that matches the identifier you provide. Deleted entities cannot be retrieved.
Requests to Connect Sellers Commerce Open API endpoints must include the following HTTP headers:
Accept: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

In the place of YOUR_API_KEY, provide either your application's personal access token (available from the application dashboard) or an access token you generated with the OAuth API.

POST requests must include one additional header:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer accesstoken

By default, all endpoint responses provide data as JSON in the response body and include a Content-Type: application/json header.
The Sellers Commerce Open API currently only support JSON format.
Data is returned using JSON, a lightweight serialization language that is compatible with many different languages.
JSON is Java Script Object Notationa.
This might be extended in the future which will provide you more output formats based on your request header specification.
For now JSON is the default.
Each API response is wrapped in a standard structure that holds the results of the API call, plus metadata about the request:

"FirstName": "sample string 1",
"LastName": "sample string 2",
"DOB": "2016-04-27T14:38:17.1709364+00:00",
"Deleted": true,
"ShopperTypeID": 11,
"Address": [{
"AddressName": "sample string 1",
"AddressLine1": "sample string 3",
"City": "sample string 5",
"StateCode": "sample string 6",
"CountryCode": "sample string 7",
"ZipCode": "sample string 8"
Sellers Commerce get all api endpoint also support most commonly used odata Queries which are available these days for generic query:

Odata Query Examples
* To get order data between two different order placed date the query should be like$filter=OrderPlacedDate+gt+datetime'2016-01-01'+and+OrderPlacedDate+lt+datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=CreatedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and CreatedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
or$filter=ModifiedDate ge datetime'2016-01-01' and ModifiedDate le datetime'2016-06-01'
The above query is an example that how to add odata query after api/order/getall to filter order between 2016-01-01 and 2016-06-01 dates.

You can query any date which is present for the requested method as an example here it's like for order it is OrderPlacedDate
Please remember that OdataQuery requests must include these additional query line other wise it will return you null values
To get order data in orderby$orderby=OrderNumber desc
Returns all order in descending order number
in the same way other getall methods can be order by valid data which are getting rendered by api
The SellersCommerce Open API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success!
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. In API v1.1, requests without authentication are considered invalid and will yield this response.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Also returned in other circumstances, for example all calls to API v1 endpoints now return 401 (use API v1.1 instead).
404 Not Found The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
406 Not Acceptable Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request.
429 Too Many Requests Returned in API v1.1 when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting in API
500 Internal Server Error Something is broken. Please post to the developer forums so the Twitter team can investigate.
502 Bad Gateway Twitter is down or being upgraded.
503 Service Unavailable The Twitter servers are up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later.
504 Gateway timeout The Twitter servers are up, but the request couldn’t be serviced due to some failure within our stack. Try again later.
Error Messages
When the SellersCommerce Open API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error response might look like this:
"Results": "OrderNotExist",
"ResponseMessage": "Order Does Not Exist",
"StatusCode": 24
In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain machine-parseable codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes which may appear when working with the API:
Sellers Commerce Response Code Response Body Text/Results Response Messages HTTP Status Code HTTP Status Message
20 Processed Processed Successfully 200 OK
21 ProviderNotExists Provider Does Not Exist 404 NotFound
22 UserNotExists User Does Not Exist 404 NotFound